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TWFG Approaching 300 Branch Mark with Five New Appointments

THE WOODLANDS, TX, Feb. 6, 2013 – TWFG continues its rapid growth pattern with announcement of five new local branches in Texas, California, and Georgia. Richard “Gordy” Bunch, president and CEO, announced the following new TWFG branch managers and locations:

Michael Rice, Kennesaw, Georgia

Charles Choi, Los Angeles, CA

Frank Clarke, Huntington Beach, CA

Kathy Dumanski, Richardson, TX

Amber Pillsbury, The Woodlands, TX


Bunch said the independent agency is near the 300 mark for total TWFG branches now operating in 21 states. In addition, there are almost 3,000 General Agents and Referral Agents featuring TWFG insurance services in 38 states, The insurance services company is headquartered in The Woodlands, Texas where it provides support to all branches and affiliates and sells in 49 states. TWFG is ranked number 51 in the “Top 100” privately-held Property/Casualty agencies listing and number 13 as a “Personal Lines leader.”


For further information:

Gordy Bunch – 281-466-1123 / 713-416-0789

Paul Lazzaro –  281-728-5704

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Homeowner Insurance Premiums are Historic Victims of Hurricanes

Be Prepared for National Price Increases

THE WOODLANDS, TX, November 5, 2012 – As flood waters from superstorm Sandy are subsiding; they are causing an opposite effect on homeowner insurance premiums – which are rising. “Rates are increasing rapidly across-the-board, and on a national basis, even in states that were left high and dry by the storm,” says Richard “Gordy” Bunch, president and CEO of The Woodlands Financial Group (TWFG), one of the nation’s Top 100 homeowner insurance services agencies.

“Our headquarters in Texas, with 3,000 affiliates and branches in 38 states, are being forewarned with definitive messages from insurance carriers that they are filing for rate increases,” Bunch said. He explains that almost all insurance rates are set by carriers, but they must be approved by licensing commissions in individual states. He referred to one of America’s largest carriers which sent him an e-mail this morning that said: “It comes as no surprise that property rates are increasing,” and urging agencies to document any lower rates they have already quoted. They were adamant, however, that the new higher rates will go into effect almost immediately. “The premium on your quote will be higher than your original quote,” the insurance carrier is telling agencies. “Customers will have to pay the new higher rate, but your documented original quote could be reviewed later for policyholder credit.”

Bunch represents more than 200 carriers and says homeowner insurance premiums have been rising since 2004.  He implicated every hurricane dating back to 1993. “Sandy is only the latest in a series of devastating and costly hurricanes that have hit the United States and keep changing our models.” Bunch explained that each hurricane contributes, by its unique impact, to new catastrophe modeling and increased homeowner premiums. “’Andrew’ brought new construction guidelines in 1993 since that storm uncovered lax building codes. In 2005, ‘Katrina’ increased PML (Probable Maximum Loss) projections for almost every coastal-exposed home. Since many insurance companies had not bought ‘reinsurance’ coverage prior to Katrina, post-Katrina created a surge in demand for catastrophe reinsurance which increased reinsurance expenses for the carriers and, ultimately, homeowner’s premiums along the Gulf Coast. ‘Rita’ made landfall just 30 days after Katrina. Then, three years later; ‘Ike’ created another new model by adding near-term frequency updates to the catastrophe expectations. This increased premiums because the expectations of catastrophes had increased.”

Bunch said the insurance industry has not had its geographic focus on the mid-Atlantic and New England.  “The fact that in 2011 ‘Irene’ became more of an inland flooding storm, may have provided a false sense of security and avoided new modeling for that area. But, now that ‘Sandy’ in 2012 has made a significant impact, just one year after Irene, there will be new modeling and near-term frequency factors applied to the mid-Atlantic and New England exposures. Higher premiums for homeowners are again inevitable,” Bunch said.

For further information:

Gordy Bunch – 281.466.1123 / 713.416.0789

Paul Lazzaro – 281.728.5704

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Is 5% a Fair Admin Percentage for the Sheriff?

Residents Need to Know:

Is 5% a Fair Admin Percentage for the Sheriff?

At your board’s recent Workshop meeting, the renewal of Montgomery County’s Public Safety services agreement for additional coverage by the Sheriff for The Woodlands was reviewed with minimal challenges. However, GORDY BUNCH, Director at Position One, questioned the five percent administrative cost add-on in the contract and total amount being paid by The Woodlands Township. He proffered, strictly as an example, that five percent of an $8 million contract is $400,000 and considerably more than five percent of a $2 million contract which would be $100,000. He suggested that it might be time to insert a “sliding scale” as this administrative expense has gone up, but the Sheriff’s administrative costs would not necessarily be increased commensurate with that type of growth. DON NORRELL, The Woodlands Township President and General Manager, will discuss that issue in an upcoming meeting with the Sheriff and County officials.

93.3 % of local Sheriff Deputy’s expenses are paid from The Woodlands Township Tax (.3173) vs. being provided by the Montgomery County Tax (.4838).


Currently The Woodlands Township funds all expenses related to 83.5 of the 89.5 Sheriff’s personnel assigned to The Woodlands.  The contract requires The Woodlands Township to fund all Payroll, Overtime, Equipment, Benefits, Pension, Fuel, Maintenance and the above-mentioned 5 % Administrative expense which applies to all of the other expenses, bringing our actual costs closer to 98.8%. Prior to The Woodlands entering into this agreement, The Woodlands area had 26 county-funded deputies patrolling The Woodlands. I’m not sure how we agreed to reduce the county’s funding obligations down to 6 peace officers. Since the first agreement The Woodlands has grown in population and in the Tax Base our residents provide to the county. Our county-allocated Sheriff’s funding has not grown and I have asked that we begin the process to renegotiate this contract. I agree the current level of force is appropriate, but my issue is to get the county to appropriate funds commensurate with what is provided to the balance of the county – either based on our percentage of the total county population, population density, or tax base. Any one of these calculations will require the county to fund more than the 6 currently being funded. The counties other districts have an average of 30 county-funded deputies. The Woodlands Township has more than 100,000 of the county’s 470,000 residents, or almost 22% of the county population. And yet, The Woodlands Township represents over 40% of Montgomery County’s Property Tax revenues.

The Woodlands Population (2012)[1]
• Total 100,670
• Density 2,300/sq. mi (890/km²)
The Woodlands Area
• Total 43.9 sq. mi (113.6 km²)
• Land 43.3 sq. mi (112.1 km²)


Montgomery County Area
• Total 1,077 sq. mi (2,789 km²)
• Land 1,044 sq. mi (2,704 km²)
• Water 33 sq. mi (85 km²)
Montgomery County Population
•(2010) 455,746
• Density 422/sq. mi (163/km²)


I want to be clear that I truly appreciate the Sheriff’s Department and my only issue is advocating to be sure The Woodlands residents do not get taxed twice for the same service. The Township should only pay for the level of service above the normal levels provided throughout the rest of the county.

According to the Montgomery County Sheriff’s website: (, District 6 serves The Woodlands Township. District 6 has 89.5 assigned positions, which include a division administrator holding the rank of captain, one district commander holding the rank of lieutenant, five senior sergeants, one traffic senior sergeant, six patrol sergeants, one special assignments sergeant, one detective, 67 patrol deputies, two traffic division deputies, one K9 deputy, two civilian detention officers, one administrative assistant and one warrant clerk (part-time). Within the patrol division specialized units include a traffic division, crime prevention unit as well as foot and bike patrol. District 6 also is served by a K-9 team specially trained in narcotics scent detection.

Funding for the 83.5 personnel and equipment is provided through a contract for services between Montgomery County and The Woodlands Township. Additional funding resources are provided through Montgomery County, providing for six patrol units. The Woodlands Township is a local governmental agency whose mission is to promote, develop, encourage and maintain economic development for the public benefit of The Woodlands Township and its 28,000 acres of residential and commercial areas.

For further Media Information:

Gordy Bunch

713-416—0789 cl

281-466-1123 Wk.


Paul Lazzaro


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TWFG – Expanding from Coast-to-Coast

THE WOODLANDS, TX, Oct. 9, 2012 – The Woodlands Financial Group (TWFG), already listed high among the Top 100 privately-held independent P/C insurance agencies in the nation, is announcing substantial expansion of its network. Gordy Bunch, president and CEO of the retail and wholesale general agency, recently concluded training classes at TWFG headquarters in The Woodlands, Texas for new branches located from California to Virginia.

Bunch notes that many of the new branch managers are former “captive agents,” who are joining TWFG as a result of new programs that offer splits ranging as high as 80/20 for full service branch owners. The company is also offering a “Managing General Agent” and “Referral Program” as options, along with “Sales Only” branches with a 60/40 split.

The 40-year-old entrepreneur said this summer’s addition of more than 200 agents brings TWFG’s insurance services consortium of privately-owned and affiliated branches to 285 retail branches in 20 states and 2,200 independent agents in 38 states. TWFG writes policies in 49 states from its headquarters in The Woodlands, TX. TWFG appears on the current “Top 100” list in the number 51 position – a jump of 16 spots in the rankings, reflecting a 31% increase in P/C premiums over 2010. Sales in 2011 grew from $159 million to more than $208 million. Last year, TWFG was also ranked number 15 in Personal Lines sales. New branches list follows:


New branches now operating under the TWFG banner include:


Helayne Warschaw, Ventura, CA

Peyling Yap, San Mateo, CA

Mimi Ooi, Sunnyvale, CA

Veronica Gutierrez, Soledad, CA

Loretta Bentley, Lomita, CA

Thomas Snipp, Fontana, CA

Joe Wijono, Fullerton, CA


Elaine Halsted, Wilmington, DE


Debi and Don Moore, Quincy, IL


Pat Morris, Baton Rouge, LA

Charles Loescher, Chalmette, LA


Katie Cannon, Shawnee, OK


Matthew Clay, Jenkintown, PA


Valerie Edwards, Bartlett, TN


Mark Brown, Sherman, TX

John Janese, Keller, TX

Marshall Jackson, Longview, TX

Patrick Nganga, Dallas, TX

Francisco Marroquin, Porter, TX

Iris Pinkerton, Houston, TX


Ethan Krash, Glen Allen, VA


For further information:

Gordy Bunch  713-416-0789

or Paul Lazzaro   936-447-9373

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TWFG Records 31% Increase in Premiums; Advances Number 51 in Top 100 Insurance Rankings

THE WOODLANDS, TX, Aug. 13, 2012 – The Woodlands Financial Group (TWFG) recorded a 31.29 percent increase in insurance premium sales last year and is now ranked nationally at number 51 in the industry’s “Top 100” listing of privately-held property/casualty agencies, president and CEO Richard “Gordy” Bunch announced today.


With total P/C premiums of $208,751,093 in 2011, a record increase over 2010’s $159,000,000, TWFG moves up from 67 to number 51 in the respected Insurance Journal’s “Top 100” annual rankings. Bunch, who founded the firm in 2001 with $10,000, told employees this was the company’s “Sweet 16” party – having jumped 16 spaces in one of the industry’s benchmarks of national success. The company’s revenue results surpassed even its premium results – reaching 44th place with Total P/C Revenue in 2011 of $31,312,664.


TWFG is based in The Woodlands, TX just north of Houston, and represents more than 200 insurance companies. TWFG offers personal and commercial insurance services through almost 300 company-owned branches in 16 states and almost 3,000 affiliated independent agents in 49 states. Last month it launched an aggressive campaign to attract more “captive” agents (agents who are obligated to sell exclusively for a single insurance provider) by offering an exclusive new branch agent program with what Bunch called “unprecedented benefits” for potential branch owners. His agency is offering a commission split of 80/20 for “TWFG Full Service” branches and with full technological and agent support teams available. A “Managing General Agent” Program and a “Referral Program” are also being offered. All are aimed at offering captive agents more benefits while growing TWFG’s presence in the industry and marketplace.


The forty-year-old entrepreneur is currently enjoying what he calls a “Grand Slam” of good news in just a few months:

  1. TWFG was named one of FEMA’s three National Agency-of-the-Year flood award winners.
  2. Bunch was nominated as 2012 Entrepreneur of the Year in the Gulf Coast Area.
  3. He was successfully elected as a Director of The Woodlands Township, his community’s governing body, as well as its treasurer.
  4. TWFG is realizing record growth in sales, agent expansions, and 51st in national rankings during these “down economic times.”



For further Media Information:

Gordy Bunch

713-416—0789 cl

281-466-1123 Wk.

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The EBB and Flow of Flood Insurance

An Informative Special Feature for Homeowners and Small Businesses

By Richard “Gordy” Bunch III

President & CEO – TWFG

The Woodlands Financial Group


The Woodlands, TX – July, 13, 2012 – Many homeowners go to sleep at night with a false sense of security. They have protected their investments in homes, cars, and personal belongings with insurance in case of a disaster. However, the very same homes and personal belongings they assume are protected by insurance remain vulnerable to the most common of all natural disasters – flooding – unless they also have flood insurance. Homeowner, condo, and business insurance policies normally do not cover flooding damage. Fortunately, these same homeowners could easily roll over and go back into a sound and secure sleep if they had simply signed up for a U.S. government-sponsored program known as NFIP – the National Flood Insurance Program. This FEMA program was officially renewed by congress on June 29th of this year and has been extended for five years until September 30, 2017. President Obama has already signed the “Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act of 2012” into law, ensuring “stability and confidence to the flood program and the U.S. housing market,” according to major NFIP providers.


Richard “Gordy” Bunch, president and CEO of TWFG, ( one of the country’s top insurance service agencies, was recently recognized with one of FEMA’s three “National Agency of the Year” awards for his company’s work with flood insurance and flood programs.  TWFG is headquartered in The Woodlands, Texas but it has almost 3,000 company and affiliated agency branches located throughout the United States. Bunch and FEMA are concerned that there is a broad lack of knowledge and understanding about the risk and damages caused by flooding and that flood insurance is easily and inexpensively available to protect homeowners and small businesses. The average flood claim is $15,000 while an average flood insurance policy costs just over $350 a year. Business owners are just as vulnerable as homeowners. Their routine business insurance policies generally will not protect them against flooding.


“Everyone talks about their home or business being located in, or not being in, the “100-year flood plain.” Bunch laments the fact that this unfortunate label lulls people into a false sense of security and is one of the primary sources of misinformation and misunderstanding about the need to be protected by flood insurance. “The 100-year flood rule simply means your home or business has a one percent chance of flooding every year – not once in every 100 years,” he explains. According to Bunch, “every inch of America is in a mapped flood zone. There are no non-risk zones. Almost 25 percent of all NFIP flood losses occur in areas that are not mapped as high-hazard zones.” Bunch said that flooding nationally and in Texas is more common than most people realize. “Hurricanes are not the only cause of flooding. Development, expansions, and concrete are major causes of flooding in Montgomery, Harris, and Fort Bend counties,” Bunch says. “New roads and housing developments reduce the land’s natural ability to absorb water. Runoff can multiply as much as six times when land is paved over.”


Flood zone determinations are made on a property-by-property basis through a master data base of every U.S. home available to agents contracted to write NFIP insurance, like TWFG. Most home closing documents require that risk determination and most lenders require the determination as a condition to approving and funding a mortgage on homes. Flood insurance is required on homes in high hazard zones that carry a mortgage provided by a federally insured bank. If flood insurance is “forced” into the mortgage by the lender, it is invariably at a much higher expense. Concerned owners also need to be aware that flood zones change as conditions in areas change. Today’s low risk area could become tomorrow’s high risk zone. High risk zones have a six times greater risk of flood than fire, and a one-in-four chance of flooding over a 30-year mortgage.


Bunch said any residential or commercial building with two exterior walls and a roof are probably qualified for coverage according to the NFIP manual. Another little known fact about flood insurance, Bunch says, is that there is no need to “shop” for this insurance since all rates are set by NFIP. Rates are quoted on a scale that ranges from a $20,000 building to a $250,000 building and whether the structure has a basement or enclosure. Supplemental contents coverage can then be added at modest additional cost. He explains that NFIP is a national program subsidized by FEMA and the rates are pre-set in the legislation, although the newly approved legislation allows for annual rate increases from ten to twenty percent. The overall goal in rate setting for NFIP is to establish “actuarial rates” and eliminate the subsidizing of structures other than a primary residence. That would include second homes, vacation homes, etc. Bunch explains that an “actuarial rate” is an estimate of the expected cost of future loss, which is predicted on the basis of historical loss experience and the consideration of the risk involved. FEMA has never failed to pay a covered loss to date since debts were first incurred beginning with Hurricane Katrina in 2005 – the nation’s costliest disaster to date with estimated property damage at $81 billion dollars.


Bunch said that the government makes clear delineations between Disaster Coverage and Flood Insurance. A few of the differences that TWFG agents explain to customers are:

  • Disaster assistance requires a presidential declaration, while flood insurance pays claims regardless of a presidential declaration.
  • Almost 25 percent of all claims paid by NFIP are outside of Special Flood Hazard areas in low to moderate risk areas.
  • Typical forms of Disaster Assistance are loans that must be repaid with interest. Flood insurance does not have any payback requirements.
  • Flood insurance policies are continuous, and are not cancelled or non-renewed for repeat losses.
  • The average Individual and Household Program award for Presidential disaster declarations related to flooding in 2008 was less than $4,000. Flood insurance reimburses for all covered building losses up to $250,000 and $500,000 for businesses. Additional contents coverage is available up to $100,000 for homeowners and $500,000 for businesses.
  • Repayment on a $50,000 Small Business Administration Disaster home loan is $240 a month or $2,880 annually at four percent interest. The entire cost of a NFIP policy is little more than $500 annually. A preferred risk policy will add under $200 cost annually, depending on where you live.


Finally, Gordy Bunch says he alerts his TWFG customers to post a calendar reminder if a home or business owner is seriously considering adding flood insurance to their portfolios of protection. Bunch says: “There is a 30-day waiting period for new flood policies, so look at the long-range weather forecasts and patterns for your area. Don’t get caught without an NFIP ‘umbrella’ flood insurance policy!”



Flood insurance covers direct physical loss caused by a “flood.” In simple terms, a flood is an excess of water on land that is normally dry. The official definition used by the National Flood Insurance Program is:  “A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of two or more acres of normally dry land area or of two or more properties (at least one of which is your property) from:

  • Overflow of inland or tidal waters;
  • Unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source;
  • Mudflow – “A river of liquid and flowing mud on the surfaces of normally dry land areas; as when earth is carried by a current of water.”
  • Collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or similar body of water as a result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels that result in a flood as defined above.



  • The insured building and its foundation.
  • The electrical and plumbing systems.
  • Central air conditioning equipment, furnaces, and water heaters.
  • Refrigerators, cooking stoves, and built-in appliances, such as dishwashers.
  • Permanently installed carpeting over an unfinished floor.
  • Permanently installed paneling, wallboard, bookcases, and cabinets.
  • Window blinds.
  • Detached garages (up to 10 percent of Building Property coverage). Detached buildings (other than garages) require a separate Building Property policy.
  • Debris Removal.



  • Personal belongings such as clothing, furniture, and electronic equipment.
  • Portable and window air conditioners.
  • Portable microwave ovens and portable dishwashers.
  • Carpets not included in building coverage.
  • Clothes washers and dryers.
  • Food freezers and the food in them.
  • Certain valuable items such as original artwork and furs (up to $2,500).



  • Damage caused by moisture; mildew, or mold that could have been avoided by property owner.
  • Currency, precious metals, and valuable papers such as stock certificates.
  • Property and belongings outside of a building, such as trees, plants, wells, septic systems, walks, decks, patios, fences, seawalls, hot tubs, and swimming pools.
  • Living expenses such as temporary housing.
  • Financial losses caused by business interruption or loss of use of insured property.
  • Most self-propelled vehicles such as cars, including their parts.


For further information:

Gordy Bunch

713-416-0789 Cl / 281-466-1123 Wk

Posted in news-article

The ‘Umbrella’ of Flood Insurance

THE WOODLANDS, TX, July, 2012 – Many homeowners go to sleep at night with a false sense of security. They have protected their investments in homes and personal belongings with insurance in case of a disaster. However, the very same homes and personal property they assume are protected by insurance remain vulnerable to the most common of all natural disasters – flooding – unless they also have flood insurance. Homeowner, condo, and business insurance policies normally do not cover flooding damage. Fortunately, these same homeowners could easily roll over and sleep well if they had simply signed on to a U.S. government-sponsored program known as NFIP – the National Flood Insurance Program. This FEMA program was renewed by congress June 29, 2012, signed by President Obama, and extended until September 30, 2017.


Richard “Gordy” Bunch, President and CEO of The Woodlands Financial Group (, one of the country’s top-rated independent insurance agencies, was recently recognized with one of FEMA’s three “National Agency of the Year” awards for their work with flood insurance. Bunch and FEMA are concerned that there is a broad lack of understanding by home and business owners about how they can be protected because flood insurance is readily and inexpensively available. The average flood claim is $15,000 while the average flood insurance policy costs just over $350 a year.


Bunch laments the fact that the “100-year flood plain “ lulls people into a false sense of security as a primary source of misunderstanding about the need for flood insurance. “The 100-year flood rule simply means your home or business has a one percent chance of flooding every year – not once in every 100 years.” According to Bunch, “every inch of America is in a mapped flood zone.” Almost 25 percent of all NFIP flood losses occur in areas that are not mapped as high-hazard zones. Hurricanes are not the only cause of flooding. Development, expansions, and concrete are major causes of flooding, Bunch says. “New roads and housing developments reduce the land’s natural ability to absorb water. Runoff can multiply as much as six times when land is paved over.” High risk zones have a six times greater risk of floods than fire, and a one-in-four chance of flooding over a 30-year mortgage.


Bunch confides there is no need to “shop” for flood insurance since all rates are set by NFIP. Rates are quoted on a scale that ranges from a $20,000 building to a $250,000 building and whether the structure has a basement or enclosure. Supplemental contents coverage can then be added at modest additional cost. The newly approved legislation allows for annual rate increases from ten to twenty percent. Finally, Bunch cautions: “There is a 30-day waiting period for new flood policies, so check the long-range weather forecasts and patterns for your area. Don’t get caught without an ‘umbrella’ flood insurance policy!”


For further information:

Gordy Bunch:

713-416-0789 Cl / 281-466-1123 Wk

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Bunch Bytes

The Woodlands Township e-News from Director GORDY BUNCH

Highlights of June 27 Board Meeting

(Note: These are not official minutes of The Woodlands Township Board of Directors meeting which are available at after approval by the Board. Videos of each meeting are also available at the site.)


REPORTS by the Village Association presidents were followed by MARIAN LECK, Township Director of Law Enforcement, who updated the board and resident attendees about a downturn in Woodlands crime. JOHN POWERS, Asst. General Mgr., Community Services gave an illustrated presentation on the extensive damage to the community caused by the June 12 storms. He estimated approx. $425,000 in costs to structures and trees. External contractors, residents and personal contractors were all working to remove tree debris as fast as possible. If you are still having storm debris or related problems go to the Township web site and click on Service Request and then Parks and Recreation. Or, call 281-210-3800.

COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS for the new Board terms were made by Chairman BRUCE TOUGH. (Note: At a previous meeting Bruce Tough was re-elected chairman, PEGGY HAUSMAN was elected vice chair, ED ROBB was elected Secretary, and GORDY BUNCH is the new Treasurer.) Parks & Recreation Chairman is MIKE BASS; Law Enforcement Advisory Committee chair is ED ROBB; the Waterway Arts group will be served by NELDA BLAIR; the Audit Committee trio will be BRUCE TOUGH, MIKE BASS, and JEFF LONG; while the Convention & Visitors Bureau will be guided by NELDA BLAIR, PEGGY HAUSMAN, and GORDY BUNCH. NICK WOLDA was re-elected President of the CVB, with CASEY SNYDER returning as General Manager.

GROGAN’S MILL BRIDGE renovation was approved at a cost of $34,625. THE WOODLANDS PINE CONE LOGO will also be painted on the bridge. Unfortunately, staff was unable to convince vendors to split their bids by type of work, as I suggested. We could have realized $10,000 in savings if one did the cleaning and painting, and the other did the general contracting work. Trying to save!

(Author’s Note: The Woodlands Pine Cone logo was selected in an international competition as one of the overall best of all logos alongside the Nike Swoosh and Apple’s apple logo

ELECTION MATERIALS and candidates will be allowed in certain areas of the Township headquarters building for the convenience of the Village Associations during their meetings.

In Other Township News


RELOCATIONS & EXPANSIONS include The J. BEARD Real Estate Company which is relocating and expanding its commercial real estate offices to 10077 Grogan’s Mill Road, Suite 135, The Woodlands, TX 77380.

PLENTY OF RAIN lately, but last we heard, The Joint Powers Agency had implemented Voluntary Water Restrictions. An Odd-Even schedule went into effect with odd-numbered addresses asked to water on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Even-numbered addresses should water on Thursdays and Sundays.

WHY? Several wells are out of service for rehabilitation.

Watch The Courier, The Villager, and the Township site for updates. The Joint Powers also ask you not to irrigate after 4 a.m. to allow adequate water pressure for busy early morning households.

Congratulations to The Woodlands Convention and Visitors Bureau for a bang-up Red, Hot & Blue Festival with great crowds and great fun. It was all preceded by the “Best of the Best” in The Woodlands, and that, of course, is the hometown Fourth of July parade which delights everyone from old to young and new to long-time residents.

JAMES STILWELL also deserves congratulations for agreeing to serve as the new Chairman of the South Montgomery County Woodlands Chamber of Commerce effective Sept. first. The incredible business and commercial success of The Woodlands did not just happen without the hard work of KAREN HOYLMAN, GIL STALEY and their boards and committees. Thank you, James and Chamber leaders.

Here in this month of our Nation’s birth, I am pleased to present one of my all-time favorites for your enjoyment and inspiration. My wife, Michelle, and I, moved to The Woodlands in 1995 and began our business in 2001. We believe we did it the “American Way” through hard work, saving and sometimes scrimping, and always caring for our customers and employees. Since then we have added three wonderful sons to our family and now the Bunch family, including our in-laws, are all enjoying the blessings of life in The Woodlands.

An American’s Creed by Dean Alfange

I do not choose to be a common man

It is my right to be uncommon… If I can.

I seek opportunity… not security.

I do not wish to be a kept citizen,

humbled and dulled by having the state look after me.

I want to take the calculated risk;

 to dream and to build, to

fail and to succeed.

I refuse to barter incentive for a dole.

I prefer the challenges of life to the

guaranteed existence; the thrill of

fulfillment, to the stale calm of Utopia.

I will not trade freedom for beneficence

nor my dignity for a hand out.

I will never cower before any master

nor bend to any threat.

It is my heritage to stand erect,

proud, and unafraid, to think and act for

myself; enjoy the benefits of my

creations and to face the world boldly

and say, “This I have done with my own hand”

All this is what it means to be an American.


Dean Alfange was born more than 100 years ago on December 2, 1897 and died on October 24, 1989. He was an American politician who held nominations and appointments from a number of parties, including the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, the American Labor Party, and the Liberal Party of New York, of which he was a founding member. Born in the Ottoman Empire to two native Greek parents, Alfange remained involved in Greek-American organizations for much of his life, as well as activist Zionist groups. He is best remembered as the published author of “AN AMERICAN’S CREED.” I submit he was 100 years ahead of his time.


Following recent rains, The Woodlands Township urges residents to check their property for standing water and to empty containers of water to prevent mosquitoes. Standing water is an open invitation for female mosquitoes to lay eggs.

Drain after rain is a simple, yet critical task for homeowners to reduce mosquito populations, explains Ms. Aldrich, manager of environmental services for the Township.

“We urge everyone to inspect their yard and dump out water from household containers or anything that can hold even a miniscule amount of water like buckets, toys, birdbaths, plant saucers and yard art,” she says. Water can also accumulate on spa covers, inside meter boxes, in rain gutters and around downspouts. Areas of standing water that cannot be drained should be treated with mosquito dunks or bits available at home and garden centers. The products contain bti, a biological larvicide.

Irrigation systems should not be running during and for at least seven days following heavy downpours. “An inch of water a week is best for lawn and landscape according to the turf experts at Texas Agrilife Extension,” Ms. Aldrich notes. Run-off from overwatering remains a major factor in the proliferation of mosquitoes in the community. Irrigation systems that do not have an operating rain sensor should be turned to manual control so the landscape is watered only when needed and no more than twice a week.

Mosquitoes have been particularly active in the region this summer, according to Ms. Aldrich. Texas Department of Health Services reports that 37 pools of mosquitoes have tested positive for West Nile virus in The Woodlands/South Montgomery County area. No human cases have been recorded in the county at this time.

Ample breeding sites coupled with warm temperatures accelerate the development of mosquitoes from egg to larvae to biting adult. Eliminating mosquitoes before they fly is the most effective way to stop the insect, she notes. “When neighbors work together to control breeding sites,” she says, “we have the most success in reducing disease-carrying mosquitoes.”

When mosquitoes become a problem, the Township reminds residents to think WET: Wear repellent; Eliminate breeding sites; Treat where you cannot drain. For more information about repellents and controlling mosquitoes, please visit or call 281-210-3800.

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TWFG National Convention Kicks Off June 28 in San Diego

SAN DIEGO, CA, June 21, 2012 – “Gordy” Bunch, president and CEO of The Woodlands Financial Group, is assembling almost 200 agents and families here from TWFG branch offices across the nation plus headquarters staff from The Woodlands, TX. The convention kicks off on Thursday, June 28 at the Grand Del Mar Resort in San Diego.


TWFG was founded in The Woodlands 10 years ago by entrepreneur, Richard “Gordy” Bunch with $10,000 and is now the 15th largest Personal Lines leader and one of the Top 100 privately held agencies in the nation. TWFG is a national independent full-service insurance agency and financial services group in an aggressive expansion mode – now with 280 TWFG agencies and 2,200 affiliated agents in 19 states.


With a dozen national carriers in attendance sponsoring a welcome reception and educational programs at the convention, TWFG agents will participate in business meetings, motivational exercises, and exhibit hall events. Company personnel will work on team building and sales exercises at the Grand Del Mar resort in San Diego, lauded by Conde Nast Traveler magazine as one of the “World’s Best Places to Stay.”


The convention will conclude with awards for top agents and producers on Sunday, July 1. Founder Gordy Bunch, himself, is having an exceptional year with the growth of his business being recognized with an “Entrepreneur of the Year” nomination for the Gulf Coast, winner of a FEMA agency-of-the-year award in its National Flood Insurance Program plus gaining elective office in his home community as a member of the board of directors of The Woodlands Township.


For further information:

Paul Lazzaro

Executive Marketing Consultant

936-447-9373 / 281-728-4704 cl.

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Gordy Growing

Born in San Diego, California, Richard F. Bunch III “Gordy” served in the U.S. Coast Guard before he began his career in the insurance industry. His military background and commitment to do the right thing has been a guiding force throughout his professional career. After working with several insurance companies including Prudential, Gordy realized that insurance customers really needed an agency that could provide various carrier options with competitive rates.

With just $10,000 in capital, Gordy started The Woodlands Financial Group (TWFG) in 2001. Many people discouraged him to take the risk, telling him that he was crazy to start a company with limited capital and experience. But Gordy’s confidence in his business model, blind faith and the belief that failure is not an option pushed him to pursue his dream.  Living off his savings, Gordy sacrificed an income for almost three years while working 80 hours a week in order to get his company off the ground.

While it was difficult in the beginning and he and his wife and baby did without a lot of creature comforts his peers enjoyed, he knew he was building something sustainable and he enjoyed the process. Not one to stay comfortable with the status quo, Gordy knew from the very beginning that building the business would be worth the risk and when challenges arose, he viewed them as opportunities for improvement rather than road blocks to success.

Unique in the industry, TWFG clients enjoy the benefits of a large financial services company with experience, knowledge and access to the best rates of more than 200 insurance companies with personalized customer service often found with smaller agencies. The motivating belief that, “clients deserve the best of both worlds when shopping for their insurance needs to protect their family members and hard-earned possessions,” has made TWFG highly successful.

By the end of year five, the Insurance Journal reported The Woodlands Financial to be in the top 100 privately held property and casualty agencies in the US. The most recent list published by the Insurance Journal recognizes The Woodlands Financial Group as being the 15th largest personal lines agency and the 67th largest agency overall out of 38,000 agencies nationwide. TWFG closed the books December 2011 with over $200 million in written premium.

The Woodlands Financial Group currently operates several companies including TWFG Insurance Services with 270 offices in 16 states, TWFG General Agency with 2,200 independent agents nationwide and TWFG Premium Finance Company.

Initially at the start of the company Gordy handled all management, financial and business decisions, however realized after a few years that he could not do everything himself.  He then focused on building a team with the core competencies to help him build and grow the company.  Due to this over the past 10 years TWFG has been able to grow without losing its small-office feel and charm because TWFG employees work for the client, not the carriers.

TWFG agents shop for the best coverage for each person and obtain the best pricing without compromising their needs. Created so agents and customers can have access to solutions that fit their lifestyle, coverage and budget needs, The Woodlands Financial Group provides consumers insurance coverage options for everything including their home, auto, life, health, RV, boat/ATV and commercial insurance needs.

Gordy has created a business model many in the industry have tried but failed to replicate. Gordy built the retail insurance model and then the wholesale model which complement each other.  In order to offer more product options and lower costs for clients, he also owns his own software and marketing companies in addition to both wholesale and retail arms of the insurance business. Because of the size of his organization, he is able to offer more carrier options than his competition and his company has been extremely successful. In fact, in 2011 when the industry as a whole was negative, TWFG experienced a 27 percent growth rate.

Gordy plans to add 150 additional locations across the country in 2012 and has recently purchased an insurance company to expand product offerings for clients. He projects a 25 percent growth rate for 2012 and long-term, Gordy plans to be a billion dollar sales organization.

Gordy moved to the Woodlands area in 1995 where he currently lives with his wife Michelle and three, young children. Both his family and company are very active and supportive members of the community. TWFG currently supports The American heart Association, MS Society and Susan G Komen charities. Additionally, Gordy frequently gives his team members the opportunity to wear jeans to work. Money raised by employees who donate money to dress casually go towards buying presents for Toys for Tots at Christmas time and food for families less fortunate during the Thanksgiving holiday.

Gordy has created a supportive working environment for his employees by offering them the most state-of-the-art technology, training courses, multiple career paths within a modern work environment. Agents can work more efficiently by using online comparative rating systems for personal lines, commercial lines, life and health, which allow for single application entry and bridging directly to  carrier web sites in real time. TWFG agents also enjoy the benefit of an agency management system which provides them full reporting capability and robust functionality.

Employees at TWFG are encouraged and empowered to make decisions to best serve the company and its clients. The culture also supports career growth. In fact, those who started with Gordy in 2001 before health insurance was even offered as a benefit are still with the company and have grown into management roles.

Responsive and accessible to his employees, customers and vendors, Gordy has built a business built on trust and a commitment to excellence and as an Iron Man competitor, Gordy believes in pushing himself to the absolute extreme limit to achieve success.



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